Saturday, April 6, 2013

Through the Greenspace Around Regina



ADRIAN – 22 , unemployed SHELLEY – 26, a waitress

BRUCE – 35 HANNAH – 22, a prostitute (played by the same actress as Shelley)


Modern day, Regina


Two playing areas on the stage: A diner; A payphone attached to a pole.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Moelwyn Mawr

Moelwyn Mawr

PETER HARRIS - Early Twenties HUGH LOYD – Forties



Northern Wales, on the mountain Moelwyn Mawr, near the town of Tanygrisiau, in 1924


An empty stage, with a giant door against the back, and two tall widows on either side; Scene III, the stage was a two large wing backed chairs, and a pile of artifacts around one of them; Scene IV, the stage has a table with two chairs.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meditation X

 Can't Joan just get a break? There she is, walking down the street to grab breakfast, because her house is a mess. She doesn't have the time to cook, and even if she did, all the dishes are piled up! Joan's got it hard, and it's no wonder people feel bad for her. Once she gets to her job, it's all she can do to get some work done. She has a picture of her dog, and brown coffee mug full of pens, and a computer screen thinner than a piece of paper, all at her desk. The light from the screen, oh! it's so distracting.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meditation IX

I was always out of character. Not to say I really had character, but whoever it was, whether a friend, a partner or a colleague, they always mentioned how I acted weird around them. That they saw me with others, and I was always gone. But it didn't really matter what I told them, whether it was a one time thing, or I managed to stave it off on multiple occasions. It eventually eroded through, and I was left without them, again.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Meditation VIII

Really, the smokey noise the trumpet, poured over the rest of night's soft chill would be enough to make anyone forget. But when I showed up late one night unable to get pas the first flight of stares, and my cry up the tower brought down my roommate, it's me who was irresponsible. Who cares if I was gone for two hours, if that cocktail mixed of grief and horror of one self, a creature of itself, had been taken by anyone else, they wouldn't be found for three nights, and then they'd be beyond anyone else.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Meditation VII

Maybe it was a prank the kids played on me. Maybe it was something they thought about when they woke up, and waited for the sounds of me. Something they giggled about once they crawled back into their beds. Or maybe my wife did.
However it happened, whatever reasoning, I've woken up, and I can't open my eyelids. I touch them and feel them moving as I look back and forth in the dark room, the slight bump of whatever is keeping them down. Whatever it is, it's stronger than my muscles, and I rise our of bed without really noticing. I sleep like a nocturnal beast, and so no light enters my room until I open the blinds or turn on light. I only knew once I did this, and everything turned red.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Meditation VI

“That's Mr Simmons. He owns the whole town.”
“If he owns the town, why haven't I seen him before?”