Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Creative Being #4

Originally uploaded by personmaker2000
So for this week, I decided to try my hand baking some granola bars, a healthy staple of anyones diet. Of course, being a student and not having the right ingredients nor the right utensils, I set about replacing and trying new ingredients. Of course, sometimes it's good to go with the recipe, and my granola bars turned out tasting more like sugar then anything else.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog Reflection #1

In my very first blog post, when I posted the recording of me reading my poem aloud, I wasn't too sure how it was "creative". All I was doing was reading something I had written, which felt creative, but I couldn't really define it. However, looking back, I can say with certainty it was creative. In "An Inquiry into the Factors Related to Creativity", Klein gives out nine common aspects of creativity. Now, the sense I get from reading that list is that creativity is doing something new and pushing your limits. That applies to me reading my poem, which is something new.

This has me thinking now about my creative process as a whole. Whatever I do, whether it's writing or drawing a picture, I think of what I've seen and done. Past experience influence me, and I always try to do something that I haven't seen before, or take something and change it subtly. originality is important to me, so it makes sense that it shows through all my work. Being "real" towards your acts.

I'm also thinking about the article we had to read this week ("The Creative Habit: Learn it and use it for life"), about our views on the world. I would have to say that, going from the experience of recording myself, I'm more focused on the details. I practiced reading that poem about a dozen times, trying to get my pronounciation down so that my slight lisp doesn't show. Phrasing each word correctly.

So viewing this poem restrospectly like this has shown me some things about my creative process, getting me to think about how I try new things all the time, and don't shy away from the details when it comes time to get close. Afterall, I just read the poem because I had never done anything like that before.

Creative Being #3

I wrote another poem for this weeks creative act, and this one is different from my normal writing. I went for a rhyming tone instead of a breathy, multiple syllable one, opting to use alliteration to give it a nice sound. This isn't something I usually do, and as such I took some liberties, inserting some words that weren't part of the alliteration to make it sounds better. I also ended it with a non-alliteration line, just so it would pop out.

Ranting ran through red
while white lilies wade wherever my eyes lie,
discrepancies destroyed during my delay
to touch taste take the moment.
Action avoided to attain peace
but just belated beastly events.
Long life is if
one only owns to now
or thinks of present, and not future.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Creative Being #2

Knitting a scarf
Originally uploaded by personmaker2000
Knitting is something that is still fairly new to me. I've done a little, but I've never actually finished anything, so I decided to use the little knowledge I have to experiment a bit, by alternating stiches and using some new, thicker wool. Sadly, it's starting to curl. Of course, no where close to finished, but a good two hours in.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Creative Being #1

So I decided to post my poem I did for my writing class. However, instead of copy-pasting it, I chose to read it, as I’m constantly told poetry is for hearing, not reading. This isn't something I normally do, and it has helped with me editing it and getting a natural flow going. It's definitely something I'm going to try doing more, and I'm glad I did it. It’s untitled right now, as well as being in a rough stage. I also included the text below.

As a winter wind passed through my hands,
picking up my papers and spreading them
like doves trying to harbor peace,
I tried to give body
to something so abstract as this beauty.
But as even birds have to land eventually,
and paper can only float, not fly,
I left it as is,
on that February day.